Lamb of God Church strives to live out our mission to be Boldly Inclusive, Intentionally Challenging, and Joyfully Christian. We are a joint Lutheran and Episcopal congregation – one of the first in the nation in fact! – but our identity expands far beyond our denominational ties. Our congregation includes people of many religious backgrounds, as well as people who have never experienced church before. Our worship reflects the conviction that God is always calling us into something new. At Lamb of God, ALL people are welcome. Worship gathers us, fuels us, and turns us outward in loving service to our community.
Lamb of God Church has a unique identity that began with the joining of Lamb of God Lutheran and St. Joseph’s Episcopal. Worshiping together in 2000, we became a fully federated congregation in 2004. We are the first Lutheran Episcopal congregation in the State of Florida, and only second in the nation. Together, we continue to build on our unique identity that welcomes diversity, engages faith critically, and radiates joy.
We Strive To Live Our Mission Together
WE LOVE people as they are.
WE STRIVE to be a diverse congregation melding different life experiences, ages, and church backgrounds.
WE TREASURE all types of families and individuals no matter their race, their sexual orientation, their gender identities, or their abilities.
WE WELCOME everyone who feels called to the Lord’s table.
WE AGREE that we don’t have to agree to love each other and worship together.
WE ASSERT that lay leadership and initiatives are the engine to our vital congregation.
WE REACH-OUT to serve, love, and educate the broader community.
WE TEACH how Christianity relates to everyday life.
WE SEEK a faith that engages both our hearts and our minds.
WE VIEW questions and doubt as a part of faith.
WE ADMIRE biblical scholarship, scientific inquiry, and new thinking about faith and spirituality.
WE ACKNOWLEDGE the discomfort that comes when we are challenged to think in new ways.
WE EXPERIMENT with new forms of worship and spiritual practice.
WE UNDERSTAND ourselves as a part of our local community and invite others to experience the radical hospitality of God’s people.
WE VALUE the worship service as central to the church experience.
WE EMBRACE both traditional and contemporary worship styles.
WE RECOGNIZE that when music and worship come together, it can be transformational.
WE WELCOME children as active participants in worship.
WE SEEK TO CARRY the joy and message of worship into our lives all week long.
WE GROW in our understanding of God’s Word through preaching and education.
WE EMBRACE our mission to represent Christ to others in our community.